SkyPlanner APS – AI Production planning and Scheduling
Production planning and scheduling ( APS ) is one of the major challenges facing the industry in the coming years. Robotisation and automation are already widespread in the industry. However, a big challenge is to organise the job order and production flow so that bottlenecks and harmonic motions in the production are avoided.
Security of supply, that is to say, delivering within the promised times, is also a challenge for industrial companies in the competition for major international customers. Good delivery reliability requires skillful future foresight and many production details in the plans. Of particular importance in production planning is knowledge of the overall situation.
There is so much information available in the industry today that, for optimal production planning, the human brain is not the optimal tool. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a natural solution to the problem. AI will also provide an excellent competitive advantage for years to come in a changing market.
SkyPlanner – Fine-tuning of scheduling
SkyPlanner APS is a graphical cloud APS software, manufactured by Skycode. Using SkyPlanner APS and thus fine-tuning the scheduling, a more complex production planning is done more effortlessly. Hence, the end result is more optimal.

In the SkyPlanner APS interface, the production designer can, at a glance, see the overall production situation and the influence of different workstations to each other as production flows on the screen. All started jobs and worklogs appear in the same view as the production plan. The production plan can hence be easily modified based on the changes that has occurred in reality. SkyPlanner APS is therefore the factory command center, that gives you a better view and control over your production.
The artificial intelligence in fine-tuning of scheduling
SkyPlanner APS includes AI that instantly optimizes work in the order in which production is the most efficiently scheduled. The AI algorithm also takes into account details that can further enhance production efficiency. For example, in many productions, it is advisable to schedule jobs that uses the same materials or tools in succession.
When changes occur in the production, AI will provide a new plan at a glance, taking into account the changed situation. This is a convenient way of responding to the industry’s everyday challenge, that is constant change.
AI is also able to more accurately estimate the time it takes to complete the different jobs. Thus, the program is able to include predicted work durations within it’s plans. The algorithm takes into account the differences regarding changes in workers and machines, even the variations between work shifts. This results in a plan that needs less change, since it is based on more realistic information. Therefore artificial intelligence adapts well to the complex aspect of industry production planning.

The artificial intelligence of SkyPlanner works with people to help people. It gives suggestions at the request of the production planner and within the frames set by him or her. Plans can still be modified by the production designer and then approved for production. Man and artificial intelligence are better than artificial intelligence. To be able to help people, SkyPlanner brings an intelligence, that works tirelessly and familiarises with all relevant production data at lightning speed.
Work shift planning and time stamps
SkyPlannerAPS also includes electronic work schedules, work shift planning and time stamps that can me managed using your mobile device. In many ways, it modernizes production work and makes communication between management and production personnel easier. Work shift planning is an integral part of production planning and available production resources can be used more efficiently.

SkyPlanner can be connected to any ERP software available on the market. SkyPlanner retrieves its data from the ERP software and exports it in the other direction. This way, the ERP system is kept up to date and you do not have to update the same information in multiple places.
SkyPlanner is tuned and customized to meet the unique needs of each industrial site, making it suitable for any industry. The AI algorithm does not require complete production data, as no factory has such data. In its basic version, it adapts to the starting points that your factory has now. By improving data collection, it will increase your optimization in the future.
Modern production planning is a way of distinguishing, even from the perspective of a traditional industry field. Good tools allow for better production control. In comparison with your competitors, good production planning gives your better efficiency and security of supply. These are important factors in acquiring new customers and expanding cooperation with existing partners.
We work with international customers and install SkyPlanner all over the World. It is easy to work with us international and integrate SkyPlanner APS to your current softwares.
Contact us and ask SkyPlanner demo:
Jussi Mäntylä
Skycode Oy
[email protected]