+358 40 700 0002 [email protected] Rantakatu 2 G, Vaasa

The name of Suomen Mediatoimisto Oy is now Skycode Oy

Suomen Mediatoimisto Oy changed its name to Skycode Oy. We wanted the name to better reflect our well-established programming business, as we have for almost 10 years been a programming house focused on purely customized programming and artificial intelligence. Thus, there are no acquisitions or other material changes to our name.

Our new name stems from the exceptional location of our office on the roof of the tallest building in Vaasa and the fact that we code our software. Simple as that. 🙂

At the same time, we redesigned our company logo, homepage and other graphic design. We got the idea for the logo when, on this seafront, our eagle flies exceptionally often on our terrace. The population of white-tailed eagles has comfortably increased due to successful conservation work in the Vaasa region.

Welcome to our office as you move around these corners! However, we work effectively for our customers throughout Finland and Europe.

Vaasa Insider online magazine made a news story about our name change (free 14 day read access by signing up)